August 2018 in Südfrankreich (genaue Daten folgen)
Malérargues (Cevennen)
Directed by Esther Knappe and Audrey Pernell,
with Andrés Zará* (musician)
Dauer: 36 h (9h30–13 h & 15h–17h30)
Preis: 540 €
Maximale Teilnehmer: 14
Video über Workshops in Malérargues
Directed by Esther Knappe & Mariane Siem
17.-22-.7. 2018
13:30h - 18:30h (with a break)
Vocal improvisation is the core of this workshop: Express yourself within different aesthetic frames such as sound, movement, words and melodies and resonate in spontaneous collective creations. As you improvise, you can discover how to remain centered, listening to yourself, while listening to the people and the space around. Your voice becomes the creative bridge between your internal and external world and offers a way into emotions, musicality and imagination.
A profound preparation of body, breath and voice will enable you to open up to the present moment and to follow your intuition and playfulness. Individual work in small groups will alternate with group sessions for you to develop your vocal potential and expressiveness. Surprising new vocal qualities can emerge by exploring the connection between voice and movement in resonance with space.