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Emergences: Voice, text & song

2 bis 7 August 2022 in Südfrankreich

im Centre Artistique Roy Hart

Malérargues (Cevennen, Südfrankreich)

Directed by  Esther Knappe und Agnès Dumouchel (


Dauer: 33 h (9.30–13h und 15–17h)

Preis: 495.- €

TeilnehmerInnen max: 12

Open to all ! (englisch/französisch)

Video über Workshops in Malérargues




Objective: To be attentive - in your own research as well as collectively - to those moments of emergence when movement can inspire words, voice creates an atmosphere, a song sets off a dance and a poem inspires music. Whatever emerges  is for you to enrich your personal interpretation of a text or song.


Content: Connect to the intuition of your voice and deepen your expressive potential. Explore your timbre. Travel through all the colours of your spoken and sung voice.

In preparation for the body, our instrument, we will engage the breath, resonator spaces, movement, range, rhythms - to develop a vibrant, full and grounded voice. Exercises from Qi Gong and Feldenkrais practice will complete this work to feel the deep and fine musculature of the vocal act.


In improvisations we will be able to bring out what we had not necessarily thought of for our voice. Above all, we will look out for liberty and creative joy. We will play with archetypes, emotions, or any other stimulation of your imagination.

At times, the participants will be invited to step in to reinforce a personal impulse, to give it the support of a choir, vocal, musical or verbal, thus weaving a link between the individual and collective work.


The beauty of polyphonic singing will allow us to feel our own voices merging with those of others while remaining fully centred, present and confident in ourselves.


For inspiration and as a basis for the work, choose and learn a text (extract from a tale poem, article, etc....) of max. 3 minutes in length or a song that is close to your heart!


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Agnès Dumouchel 2022

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